Thursday, June 8, 2017

Moving on to things I need to do

In reviewing my list, I'll work backward.  Back in January, I noticed my awesome sister #2 had a twitter feed going of her amazing weight loss.  I guess it's not really amazing, since she almost died from sepsis, and has had some other issues and has HAD to lose weight just to not hurt walking around.  But anyway, she's done an incredible job. And I said, "Wow, I'd love to tweet that I have lost weight."  So I started.  I have been losing weight since February, when I started a keto diet.  Now, before you lecture me on what diets are safe, don't.  Everyone has to do what works for them, and keto works for me.  I get plenty of nutrients and protein, and that's what matters.  Oh, and my doctor approves.

Okay, so I eat very well, and I do some exercise.  But it's difficult.

The worst before photo, ever.
Not a current photo,
 thank goodness. I don't
even know what I
weighed in this photo.
I've been heavy a LONG time.  I won't go into the sob story.  It's really a S.O.B. story, and I usually curse and get really stressed about it.  Let's just say that I went into emotional eating mode in 1988 and stayed there until, probably, February of this year.  With a few breaks.  I've had good times since then.  I had a really great break from August 1996 to about November of 1999, then had some off and on times in between.  I have no one to blame but myself.  I know that, as much as it is difficult to admit.  Anyway... I digress.  So I'm giving it a serious go now, not just getting rid of the emotional eating issues (counseling, meditation, proper diet) but also really struggling to get into an improved physical shape.

So I'm going to get back to weight lifting.  That's the big deal for me.  I need to strengthen myself in a lot of ways, but muscle mass is a major priority.  I miss my old trainer, Tommie.  He's awesome.  He still trains, I just can't afford him.  So I've been reading up on independent training.  Doing LOTS of reading.  Mainly because I'm getting older and when you get old, you're not supposed to do things.  You're supposed to sit in a chair and rot.  You're supposed to have the younger ones do things for you.  (I must admit, I had the nice young man at Kroger pull the case of Monster off the shelf for me this morning--hubby drinks it, not me.  I was not up to bending over at 8am, he was there, it was like it was meant to be; how could I resist?)  But yeah, sedentary is not for me, at least not any more.  I've been using injury and depression as an excuse for too long.

I mentioned above that I used injury as an excuse to be sedentary.  I've had a few accidents, and most recently, I did some serious damage to my wrist and shoulder, and I get worried about them adapting to heavy lifting.  It's fear trying to get me to sit back down in that La-z-Boy.  NOPE.

I promised myself I would do something momentous when I got to a 50lb loss.  So I'm sitting at -49.2lbs.   I've been here for about a week, and I'm annoyed.  I'm not waiting any longer.  I started the blog.  That's momentous enough.  Now I'm going to tweet my losses AND blog so I can bitch about it in more than 140 characters.  Also, I'm cleaning up the garage so I can start on the weights (more on that when I talk about the DIY goals!).  I don't have enough cash to buy the free weight set I need, but I do have a nice machine that's been gathering dust since I took it out of my mom's garage.  It was sitting there because awesome sister #3 didn't have anywhere to store it.

So this week starts the big sweat and sore shoulders.  I'm looking forward to it, as I really need my shoulders back in use.  I have a long term goal of being able to do real push ups and pull ups, but those are not on the near horizon (at least not that I can see without glasses).  For now, I'll do what I can, and follow up with massage, heat, and topical anti-inflammatory creams!  More heavy breathing to follow.

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