Saturday, June 10, 2017

Getting things done, or not, as the case may be

Well, the garage is a mess.  And I need it to be an un-mess so I can do some exercising in there.  Yes, I can exercise in the house, but the weight machine is in the garage, and I am NOT moving it into the house.  No room.  And the kids would hurt themselves on it.  So, before I can even move on to talking about my DIY projects, I have to clean up the garage.  Only today is Leah's Birthday, #6.  So I have to deal with that first.  She's sad, because we can't have a party.  We just don't have the money to spend on party kinds of things, so we're going to just have a little cake and ice cream for the family tonight, a few small gifts, and then try to make it up to her when things get better.

Sigh.  It's so depressing when you can't do things for the kids that they are used to--and then you can't explain to them in a way they can understand about why things have changed.  They just have hurt feelings and and then resentment, and you, as a parent, just have to hurt as well, because there is not a bloody thing you can do about it, either to ease their pain or increase their understanding.

Wondering what I'll find...
So cleaning out the garage is taking second place to everything, and that also includes cleaning up the girls' room.  Yeah, that's going to be one of my presents to Leah, not making HER clean up the mess. The same mess that's been building now for almost two weeks.  The mess that keeps being pushed under the beds and now is reaching a terrifying critical mass of toys, dirty laundry, and goodness only knows what...

Half way through excavating, I have to go get the birthday cake.  Well, WE have to go, as the Monsters must go with Mommy.  And while we're pulling out of the driveway, our best friends call and say they're at the pool for a last fling before they go off on a holiday, and can we come have a visit?  So we're off for an impromptu pool trip as well.  At least it gets me away from the bedroom hell.

So, no cleaning on the garage.  I find I usually get more exercise getting ready to go to the pool than I do actually swimming.  Assembling bathing suits, sun protection, towels, toys, snacks, and all the assorted paraphernalia needed to swim is equivalent to a weight lifting match in itself.

I don't use swimming as an exercise medium because of something directly related to breathing.  I can't stand being under water.  The aspect of holding my breath terrifies me.  I had pneumonia a few times, been in the hospital for it--one time was really bad and near death with tubes and so many drugs and lots of fear.  I never want to be like that again. I felt I was drowning.  So I now have a significant problem in water that goes over my head.   Don't get me wrong, I do TRY to deal with it.  I make a point of diving into the deep water at least once every trip.  I spend time with the girls in the deep water, but I do not enjoy it.  For the most part, I sit by the tables and watch my little swimmers--they are actually quite good.  We (hubby and I) have tried to make sure they are competent in the water with swimming, floating, diving, surfacing, etc.  They've never had formal lessons, but they can swim and pass minimum swim tests to swim alone.  [ed. note: formal swim lessons cost money, and well, that's one more thing on the list to come eventually]

I did try to let them get a bit tired out.  After a few hours and some shared cupcakes with friends at the pool, we did come home.  I did my best to get them cleaned, dressed, and entertained so I could do some school work, clean up the house, and organize dinner.  Goodness what a day!  And we hadn't even gotten to the birthday part yet.

Friday nights have a tradition at our house, it's Pizza and Movie night.  The family has pizza of some kind--sometimes it's Pizza Hut, sometimes it's Totino's frozen.  And we watch a movie or some show from cable or Netflix.  Last night was supposed to be the original Lego Movie (hint: I love the Lego movies), but the Birthday Girl changed her mind at the last moment and it ended up being "Barbie: Rocking Royals".  Needless to say, this did not hold the interest of the adults as well as it could have.

Birthday girl!
During intermission, we had cake and presents.  While small, it was enough to make the little girl smile, and that was enough to make me happy.  Take a deep breath to blow out that candle!

And I'll try again tomorrow...

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